Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Love Winter Break

So I'm practically nocturnal cause I usually wake up a little after 12, then work or hang out, then take a nap around 3, and when I wake up at 4 its dark already. Yeaaaaaa 2 hours of sunlight. I can just feel myself getting pale.

Last night I watched Pulp Fiction and tonight Inglorious Bastards. Quentin is invading my movie seeing, it's all I've watched lately. I saw Sin City like four days ago, too. And the first time I saw it was of course in Gus' basement on late night TV. First time I saw Pulp Fiction was in a very awkward situation in Orlee's basement. And Sam and Pete told me we were going to jam and then kidnapped me and took me to Inglorious Bastards.

I stole my parents old coffee machine and installed it on my desk so now I can have coffee all throughout the night. And it's so cold outside that I can just keep my soy milk chilled in between the glass and the screen of my window, perfect.

The real reason I'm blogging is because I'm not letting myself go to bed until I compare Medea and Antigone. Yea, thats right, fucking AP Honors English never leaves me alone. Here is a picture of Medea. And then Antigone. AHAHAHAHAHAH. Well obviously they both were a little chunky, but I think Medea is hotter. There, that's my thesis.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Last Words

... and I remember him drunkenly saying - "I'm just a good boy with his shirt buttoned up from the east coast. Like 'Hello Mrs. Bruno!' before I take you out for dinner and a nice movie. I just happen to like drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes."

To Many Thoughts

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Randoms

I have been in beds the whole day. Orlee is a saint, Gus left me again, I saw the Marine, and Ian is goofy as usual.
Here are some pictures of people that do not look like me right now. Good lord .

Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's 5 in the morning and I've been working on college stuff this whole day. But my sleep cycle is so screwed up anyway. And it doesn't matter because for the first time in quite a while I am genuinely happy.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I just am sitting here paralyzed by the music and it's been a long time of frosty tree slip sprinkle mist since I remembered what the sunrise felt like and a long time since I stare and stared and stared. Ookay I'm trying this again simply because I know I am going insane and the last two days were the first -un-tired days I have had since July I forgot what being awake felt like fresh lake slip over and loose time and drums drums drums. The last time I felt as run on on on on on I hid my head under the covers and blasted how things used to be how how how the snow looked on his hair remember I did one of theses well it's been a year year year are you ready for 2010? No. No no no no no no no no I need to run I need to be outside I need to sleep I need to wake I need to do my homework take tests pay attention not sleep be manageable be responsible I need to never use to be verbs. I'm so numb in a good way in a self inflicted high thats causing all of this to flow out from god knows where goes knows god knows god knows no fucking no fucking get out. Come in come back I know you're here hiding where exactly you were before but changed that space that the sound of the door used to be so familiar green little dusty spot oh no you have not grown up up up up grown up. Grow up. Familiar green green green green green green green are you ready for 2010 no.


I just can not focus on doing
all i want is ice cream and porn and flashing lights and and and and and
computer screens as lightbulbs
and and and and and and and bob dylan
and little jack horner aint got nothin on me
cause i have more more more more ssssssssswish
and stolen silver spoons



Behati, from my homeland Wisconsin.

Good News

I got accepted to Hendrix! With two hefty scholarships! Such a relief to know that I am going to college, at last.... but 7 applications due this weekend. GAH


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



it's very cold
like blasting me
but I like it anyway

and then I get lazy
and think that the lock doesn't need to go through the wheel too
but okayfineI'lldoit.

(and it's perfectly fine to live it overnight on the bike racks. I've done it before.
nothing happened)

So I heap that literature book
two sizes too small three sizes to big
and proportioned all wrong
into my little European bike basket
and pretend to be a little European woman

and turning corners
is so funny
because the weight causes me to titter
on the edge
of a very embarrassing collapse

and filling up the tires is annoying
but to keep up I need all the agility I can get
go fast little velo

wait but really it's not that little
not as sporty and beautiful and slick as others
I'm possessive nonetheless

but the point of all this is that I can't get on my bike from the right side without looking like a complete goon

Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

http://kalman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/26/back-to-the-land/?em a beautiful story - this stuff is like what I have been doing in my independent study for the past month

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I wake up to jazz,
I get dressed to jazz,
on fancy Friday Nights
I put on makeup to jazz

Because I feel that much more sophisticated


I just witnessed the calendar on my computer change to DECEMBER 1!

1. soundtrack - Iron & Wine
2. I submitted my first college app ever today! awwwwww
3. the corner by the heater in the library is the most comfortable, beautiful space ever. No if I could only stay awake in it for longer the 3 minutes I might actually get something done in my independent study...
4. I'm goin to Germany for a month this summer. weeeeeeeeee! watch out Berlin
5. French test tomorrow and I really need to get a good grade on it and I haven't studied. Merde.
6. WTF journalism last hour with schmitz is so banal my body really can't take it. ugh
7. oh yea and hipster runoff is dead. not like I check it every day or anything. wow I can't believe I am blogging about the ironic blog this is so wrong in so many ways and my brain is spinning out of controllll
8. ooooohhhhh sweet mama two hits and the joint turned brown
9. I cleaned my room
10. San Pelligrino is just so sophisticated. I'll leave this post with that thought.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hayyyyy Sunday

I just took a two hour nap

And woke up to... a massive paper to write. In french. Get out the 501 French verbs book...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Round One

Finished with round one of college essays! Ding Ding

I'm petsitting for Shimmer, but it's bittersweet going into Orlee's house errrry day when she's not there .

Earth Club Tomorrow!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21, August 21

I slept, but my eyes sill fuzz in and out in front of the computer screen. One more night of scanning. Staying in is driving me crazy.
I had not showered since Thursday, and it was not the good kind of dirty. That kind of dirty when I've been sleeping on the floor, or the surrounding smoke has fuzzed the tips, or I've had bad coffee and leaned my head up against a gritty wall - not that kind. Just straight dirty.
I biked there, it was about seven in the morning. And I realized how much I missed the early air. That teenage escapism of the morning, the morning after the night. The secret I shared with the poor men who awoke at 4 a.m. to deliver the paper to the residents of Whitefish Bay, residents who leave their bikes safely parked in their driveway. The secrets with the birds, who have just woken up. I whisper to them "Quiet little birds, please let me have a little more night." But of course they don't care what the hell I have to say about their morning.
The black trees against the sky form the patterns of youth and although you haven't slept you feel awake. The bike from his house to mine was never too long. I shouldn't say never - those times when my parents say I must be home at midnight but I don't care because five more minutes with him is worth being yelled at for. So I would stretch out the goodbye, squeeze in an extra kiss, or six, and then arrive home at 12:03 with no breath, racing my own mind down the streets and up the hills. I would glimpse the lake, early, in the morning the ride was slowly awesome.
Anyway, the day passed. I pulled two perfectly good bouquets of flowers out of the trash and stuck them in my bike basket. They jutted out as I biked home. When I reached my street I found a squirrel.
It was dead, in the center of my street. I circled it on my bike, over and over, until my mind felt felt like when you're sick and thirst claws but your body is weak and you imagine getting up and moving to the sink so many times you think you have. I circled this squirrel a lot. It had not been run over - it was whole, with its gentle little paws curled under it's damp and feathery breast. It's black eye was open, almost a slit. How was it so whole, so completely perfect? Had it just up an died in the middle of the street? I circled, I circled, and then I headed home.
Once, when I was going to his house in the middle of the night, I found a pidgin with no head. It had a tag on it's foot, but it had no head. I was scared, and biked more quickly. It died under a sign, by the Catholic school, that said - "Parents - help keep drugs out of Whitefish Bay." It was misty that night, creepy - I was happy when I arrived in his room.
We watched T.V., then fell asleep around 3, as usual. I slept for an hour, then tried to drag my bones out of his bed while my phone alarm chimed. I got on my bike, covered with dew, and biked home in the peering light. The sun was teetering on the edge of the lake. I re-entered my house.
I slept, but my eyes sill fuzzed in and out in front of the computer screen. One more night of scanning. Staying out was driving me crazy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What A Man, that Bukowski

8 count


from my bed
I watch
3 birds
on a telephone

one flies

one is left,
it too
is gone.

my typewriter is

and I am
reduced to bird

just thought I'd
let you

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cheesecake Factory

twisted arms in between my growing-sore-er back
tell me that it is time to seep
time to sleep
and let the rings remove themselves

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Essay Writing

I'm applying to 12 schools
and that means lots of supplemental essays
so I will be up tonight...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Feel Particularly Un-Loved Today

sometimes i think this is true

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Italian Vouge 1995

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Obsessed with Bananas

In Barbara Kingsolver's book Animal Vegetable Mineral she argues that eating bananas are completely unsustainable because it takes so many fossil fuels to get them to our plates. I agree completely.
I am a vegetarian and I make vegan choices
I am a dirty environmental hippy
I ride my bike everywhere

but i love bananas

and so to Barbara I say


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

But I Take My Time

Brown was completely pervasive. The carpets wild pattern, the musty smell of pot and cigarettes eaten up by the fake fire burning in the corner, the out of tune piano, the hulking base that was being joyously strummed - all brown. James smirked wild as the whisky tipped into his face, his stringy hair revealing that he had taken to eating prescription pills alone in his bathroom.
I ventured to dance, setting out alone in the small place and waiting for others to follow. They didn't, but my arms waved more wildly and my hair seems to know that in front of my face was the best place to be, shielding me from eyes I had not seen.
James strung himself up and swayed next to me, his bottle clutched against his skinny self, out of beat with the music. I always knew the correct beat, nine years of wearing tights and hairspray caused an internal sense of rhythm never erased.
The remains of James' childhood smirked out the corners of his mouth as if it could not believe the future. This curiousness was revealing, his laugh remained intact, and directed at me.
"What do you think of me" I ventured, tipping closer to him.
"You're fucking goofy"
I nodded and turned
"If you ever want to get drunk at a party, bring your own whisky. No one likes whisky" he lectured, taking a swig
"neither do you," I told him, "it's simply coffee and cigarettes, what you don't like at first but then force yourself to and before long you can't have life without it"

I remember almost crying, I remember the way the fire ate nothing but burned and burned, I remember the floor, cold, the car cold. The dancing found us all in a pile, blankets magically appeared. The night was navy, November, and the sick sleeping feeling persisted.
We all watched the sun rise. We all almost cried, but the hour of waiting in the stiffness of early morning caused our tears to slip up our noses and into our stomachs. Hunting season had started, and the quiet was pierced with black bullet shots in the distance. It was too profound for any of us to grasp, and Ned had forgotten his camera, so we could not endlessly recall the moment at later dates when we though we had discovered what the moment meant.
Bagels, coffee, and cigarettes were in order. The morning had peaked, and now we were no longer mystical, but a few hungover teens. I was wearing my long underwear at breakfast. I left while the others smoked and nested in the back of Evan's car, next to a broken VCR and a poster of Bob Dylan. The seats were down, there was a thin flannel blanket that my smoke- drenched head rested on.
I rode in the back seat with my stomach sideways and my body hugging my long underwear.
I got home, sat on my floor naked, and ate a green apple, my favorite kind.
It was November.
And I met you there, among people who's significance I could only guess.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lake Como

I'm craving Europe! The above are my brother and me in Italy.
I think I'll attempt to make a chocolate soufflee later today - after I finish five papers that are sitting on my desk...

An Ode Gerald Schmitz

How lucky my shirt
Is tucked into my pants
And secured by a belt
(tee tom tee tom)

Otherwise i might squirt
From a soon heightened stance
A look that would melt
(tee tom tee tom)

So tempted to blurt
Put the hat on and dance
Your head i
would smelt
(tee tom tee tom)

My mind is quite curt
Slice your head with a lance
Frustration is felt!
(tee tom tee tom)

Monday, October 26, 2009



New Life

"Suddenly one of these gypsies, in trembling opal, seizes a cocktail out of the air, dumps it down for courage and, moving her hands like Frisco, dances out alone on the the canvas platform. A momentary hush, the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter... The party has begun."
~ The Great Gatsby

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I miss people more then anything.
I miss gus's mockery.
I miss sam's whoop.
I miss ian's stride.
I miss case's wince.
I miss pete's hair.
I miss pat's laugh.
I miss joe's glance.
I miss orlee's self.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Winnie the Pooh


Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,

A fly can't bird, but a bird can fly.

Ask me a Riddle and I reply:

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleson Pie,

A fish can't whistle and neither can I.

Ask me a riddle and I reply:

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie,

Why does a chicken, I don't know why.

Ask me a riddle and I reply:

Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009


sometimes these coffee spoons leave stains
perched on the curve or
delicately telling of

all my splint - filled mind glints of
is a scissor exclamation
of spindly places where the corners are vivid
like the corners of a paper airplane
that sizzle through the dense air
and all i want is a cigarette
just to be paper perched on the curve of or
gesturing about the postulating

O my soul i hope you remember more then
a a spider with small feet feathers
spinning sideways flint with
my left foot could balance the slate slipping beneath by breathe
beaten by cigarettes perched on the curve of or
internally harvesting with cut nails the ever impending

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I forgot to care about everything

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy siiiiick

saturday was my birthday, 17 y'all! I'm kinda sad though, 16 was by far the best year of my life. Anyway, I went far too CRAZY, resulting in a killer cold thats raging on my life. Oooops.

Here's Pete and I helping Orlee pack for college. I miss this so so so so much. :(

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is what happens on a road trip

We drove to Iowa to look at Grinnell this weekend

6 hours in the car and this is what happens

College application process


today was bipolar
i window painted, then got depressed and went to the spot at big bay and called everyone i miss. went home, biked to urban with reid marie and jake. purchased a dress. did not call mary or gus back. then on the intense bike ride home, we got stuck in a thunderstorm, but it was beautifully wet. drank coffee, and studied for my german test. throughout tha day i got in multiple fights with the parents, and a mini one with thad, but of course we don't stay mad for long. my birthday's in less then a week!

oh yea and i got eaten by a zombie uk uk
but that was last weekend

do it



I absolutely adore the way my hair smells like cigarette smoke. I know thats really bad, but i grew up backstage with dancers and actors, so associate smoke with that, and then all my friends smoke, so I think of them. Too many good memories attached to the smell that is impossible to wash out. I feel like the smoke almost dries out my hair and makes it like cleaner or drier or something that's beautiful.

sam and case came back for the weekend.

and im obsessed with atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In This Still Suburban Town

So familiar
I know this way
the bumps the sides
smell smell smell
like a raccoon that fights outside my window
no, i slink
i know
as still as a fox
leaving mass

oh joyous recall!
the bird was dead
the fox was my friend
the raccoons howled
and the frog man chased me
but i knew the corner house
the light speared by the full trees
reluctant to color

save me from the frog man
save me from dead birds
save me from the future
save yourself
I will save you

i knew it was you
amassed in the shapes
you had ridden your bike
through the night
a jaguar within
which was probably the reason for your smirk
the sideways smile that i sometimes get
no, you were a little drunk
and perhaps thought you could scare me

but you loom!
how can i be scared when you so obviously swing and
coca cola slides through my brain
with a jacket not mine
and hair damp from the ride


i knew it was you. you came out to get me
it was the only time
i couldn't wait either
and it was 3 in the morning

thank you for coming for me
because i felt it

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


How am I supposed to study when Gus just left. He's gone, and now I have no friends and no one to lean on.
I can't believe he left
this was such a golden era and him leaving solidifies the end of the happiest time of my entire life.
I just can't fathom how it stopped
I just want to crawl into a black space and dance to the sound of white until I'm numb.
That made no sense
I can't even write a poem right now
I just want things to go away
everything to go away except for my old life
what the fuck is going on

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I created a solo to "Elephant Gun" by Beirut
and realized how much I miss dancing

leather belts

both sides the noise of the belts
against the velvet and wool of my shirts
which only point out that I have a short torso
its too dark here to see the scars on my hands, and on my legs
and to see that I've lost the knack for writing
and words no longer paddle across my brain
the blood on my hand
is no longer there
I look
although this closet is thick

I can hear the apples dropping
creating a clamor larger
then my self
falling as my arms twist and my feet feel
skimming down the branches to an unknown place
in the corners
that will become so easy
my feet feel the pavement
the water on the sharp blades of grass in the night
the bike spinning wheels
the ground splashing

and I saw a fox
and I saw a bird with no head (but someone cared enough to tag it's foot)
and I saw a squirrel with no insides
and I saw a sunrise and a sunrise and a sunrise until I come home when it's dark

my toes slip down the slime of the berries on which the chickadees feast
and touch the black underbrush
and climb home with sick stomach feeling

and strip off the moisture form my hair
and strip off my cloths from my steaming body
as fresh as the mist
yes, I've seen two sunrises
one hour apart
and you leave the day after tomorrow
and you left saturday
and you left tuesday
and you are gone

running has been forgotten
to forget pain, to release joy
this odd everything left


i wish the scratches were still there
or at least a scar
but all that remains are a few etched lines
that were given by deviant scissors, or some careless page

i miss

i haven't slept these past days
i haven't slept these past
i haven't
these past days

the door never needs to be opened
the window is
enough of my mind that it spills outside

our cloths might get soaked

Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Night

Tomorrow senior year starts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I did nothing tonight except for wish that I could walk over to Orlee's and just chill there

but earlier today I overhauled all my music and now my ipod is fresher. niiiice


So basically Im too numb right now

WAGON WHEEL by Old Crow Medicine Shoe

listen to it now.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Orlee and I just hung out for the last time
and scent memory is evil
these pics are from like April I think - I remember Orlee came over, we were both still wet from showering, and then I made her a burrito, and we chilled in my room. typical