Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beirut in my hometown

Beirut is playing tomorrow in Milwaukee at Turner Hall.  I so want to be home now.
Shows out here are insanely packed and expensive and hard to get to and the fact that it will be an intimate show and inexpensive and in MILWAUKEE yeeee I wish I was there.

Friday, November 25, 2011


I'm in Marin County at my Godparents for Thanksgiving, and I forgot how charming the Bay Area is! There are so many things to be thankful for.

1. My family.  We have gone through a lot this past year, and it has made me realize how much I need them.  My parents are so devoted. My brother continues to be the most important friend I have. We will stay strong as a family, no matter what. 

2. My friends.  My friends from home, who understand my roots, who know my history.  My girls at Scripps, the brightest young things I've ever seen.  240 housemates. Jonah and Joseph, my improv brothers, and Box, my improv family. And my camp friends, who understand the magic of Leelanau and Kohahna. 

3. My education.  The fact that I feel stable in my learning, and growth as a student and a person.  I am so grateful to be at the Claremont Colleges, surrounded by people that are inspiring every day.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Art history homework is so much easier to do in Pasadena, surrounded by pastries and coffee.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Last Night

They knew it was me. 
Through my scent, they way I walked
My “heyyyy girls,” 
The slip under the fence, the clasp of my abs, the soft swing of my hair
Knotted in damp curls
Told them I was no predator
And how small I feel
When stating up at the white abyss that knows no end
Reflected in black marble,
Far as visible
A cool so deep 
That in between my arms
Rippling with taught muscle
All I feel is 
They were all sleeping, 
Together, under the overhang of the barn,
The hot breath through giant nostrils
The calm swish of long tail.
She put her nose to my stomach 

And I breathed. I breathed the air of eight years.
The holy air
Pure as the milky way
I sat there, in the dust, cradled by my horses
And cried and cried and cried. 
And they understood.