Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dog Eyelashes

I realize that one of my favorite signs of happiness and contentment is when a dog's eyes are half closed, in the sun.  Their little eyelashes barely shading their eyes, they look so satisfied. I saw a dog just basking in the sun today and it reminded me of all the millions of things I am grateful for.

Pictured: my dog, Gwynneth

Monday, September 19, 2011

Right Now, Outside

Two trees growing together.

The presumption that they will grow together
And develop roots, strong and regular
Is what's throwing me off
The pretty tableau of two attractive brunette teenagers
Pecks at my throat.
I thought I had angst
But now I'm realizing that the offspring of two artists 
Have twice as much weirdness
And are bound to crash;
Its a fucking human life
And all one cares about is creating meaning
Perhaps spotted with happiness
Before your skin stretches over your cheekbones
And the vermin nibble your finger bones
And the stench of your rotting body
Is overwhelming even to the worms.

The stop and start has been driving me a little oddly off.
The days when my eye habitually twitched
Combined with
The nuclear -ness of a family that took vacations together
To art museums
Haunts my now fully hollow self
To start in a new place 
Change of location change of locale
Has power, somehow
Half of me is somewhere else 
And the words come out covered in a dusty curtain.
Our roots 
Filled with fertilizer, are being hacked and chopped and mutilated by 
Therefore, think about the idea that sometimes moving and fleeing and changing and changing
And growing up 
And out
And away
Is normal even though
For a human, nothing is normal. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back At School

‎"I am two fools, I know,

For loving, and for saying so

In whining poetry." --John Donne