Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sing me a Sweet Song, and Let Me Dance

Yesterday it started out 70 degrees, so at 8 I woke up and went to the Audobon. At 9 the thunderclouds rolled in, and I ran back to the car in my white t-shirt (bad choice) in the hardest rain I've seen for a while. It was wonderful.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LIFE... stressing me out. In three weeks it will be smooth sailing, but I just really need to hold on until then.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


This past week I have been in Oregon and California for the great collage pilgrimage. It's like my romantic life: just when I find something I like, something better comes along. And then you see something that is rare and beautiful but do you really want to get in a relationship or just be close friends. and is it love or infatuation? aaaaahhhhh I DON'T KNOW.
but right now Pomona College looks pretty sweeeet.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Have A Math Test Tomorrow and I'm Really F******g Stressed

my spine is itching in that tingly sort of way
that rips the seams from the inside
of a hollow tree stretched with the webs
of tiny brown spiders who couldn't care less

my spine is ripping is a cracker crumble way
that simply parts and the seeds disembark
on their heroic journey to the floor
where they blink stupidly at the dog feet

my spine is cornering in a pining sort of way
of the tissues past of ripping whitewards
though the plastic claims the better half
as the fibers long for unification