it's very cold
like blasting me
but I like it anyway
and then I get lazy
and think that the lock doesn't need to go through the wheel too
but okayfineI'lldoit.
(and it's perfectly fine to live it overnight on the bike racks. I've done it before.
nothing happened)
So I heap that literature book
two sizes too small three sizes to big
and proportioned all wrong
into my little European bike basket
and pretend to be a little European woman
and turning corners
is so funny
because the weight causes me to titter
on the edge
of a very embarrassing collapse
and filling up the tires is annoying
but to keep up I need all the agility I can get
go fast little velo
wait but really it's not that little
not as sporty and beautiful and slick as others
I'm possessive nonetheless
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